Monday, January 28, 2013

An Impromptu Trip to the Zoo

On a Sunday morning in January my sister called just as we were getting ready to walk out the door for church. She pitched the idea of meeting in OKC for an afternoon at the zoo. It didn't take much arm twisting for us to agree that it would be a perfect way to spend the day.

An ironic scene at the children's zoo - spider monkeys watching spider monkeys

Molly's first goat


Molly was a BIG fan of the pigs


Sam was determined to steal the gorilla's bronze banana

Stupid gorilla

Naturally, everything Henry climbed, Sam wanted to climb. And he was just stubborn enough to actually make it to the top of this lioness.

I am Sam. Hear me ROAR.


The Love Bug Bites

Today I'm home sick with a touch of the flu. Body aches and chills. Yuck. It's the first time I've been sick for as long as I can remember. Usually when I'm taking a sick day it's because one of the boys are sick and we stay home watching movies and sipping chicken and noddle soup.

I don't know if it's being sick, last night's episode of Downton Abbey, or hormones, but I'm weepy over my kids today. I'm head over heels in love with both of them. There's nothing in the world either of them could do to make me love them any more, or any less, than I do.

My sweet Sam didn't get a nap on this January day, and as hard as he fought it, fell asleep on daddy's chair waiting for Papa and Grandma to come.

Henry = he who is blessed with a wild imagination. Henry can make believe pirates from a fork and spoon, a T-Rex from an apple, and can imagine birds larger than himself, sweeping through our living room. Everyday is an adventure in Henry's world.

I snapped these within a period of about 3 minutes while lying on the bed watching Monsters Inc. When Sam watches a movie, it becomes very personal.

Obviously flabbergasted about Mike Wazowski's response to James P. Sullivan. I mean, after all, they were BEST friends.

Sam's favorite snack right now is pretzels. He simply can't get enough. It's not unusual for him to waken me by swinging a bag of pretzels over my face in the mornings.


Monday, January 21, 2013

The GrisWARD Family Christmas

The weekend after Christmas we headed to Texas to press on, and have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny Kaye. And when Santa squeezed his fat white bottom down the chimney that night, he found the jolliest bunch of elves this side of the nuthouse. Thank you Clark Griswold.

This was the first Christmas since Grandmother Shirley passed away, and I was fearful that with both grandparents on the Ward side gone, the Ward clan may not congregate as usual. Thank you, Aunt Susan, for making sure we did.

Cousin Craig is one of the funniest guys we know. He can make all of us belly laugh, especially Henry.

I am thankful for laughter, until milk comes out of my nose!
After Henry gained his composure
Miranda taking over Yahtzee. I'm quite certain this little beauty could master anything put in front of her.
Madison and her Kiwi, whom we all adore. Thanks for crossing the ocean to spend your Christmas with our crazy family, Ryan!
Miss Molly looking adorable as ever
Doing what Riselings and Wards do best. Laughing together around the kitchen table while drinking our Riesling and talking about times of yore. 
Mom and Aunt Susan, the hostess with the mostess
Like two peas in a pod
Yo Queiro Taco Bell
Still very much in love
Or, at least they were before Susan started honking Uncle Larry's nose
The Riseling female half
A day without laughter is a day wasted.
So, long story short, my mom's brother (Larry) married my dad's sister (Susan)...this is okay, I promise...and had four beautiful children (Craig, Madison, Mollie, Reid). You can imagine how well we all get along, same genes and all. Lots of laughs shared on family vacations, and some humiliation on the slopes of Colorado.
I'm beginning to wonder if we're going to loose Madison to her New Zealand mate. But we love Ryan, so as sad as we are to say goodbye, we know she's in good hands...and this means we'll have insiders to show us around the island when we go for a visit!
Henry idolizes his cousin, Miranda. Especially now, after gifting him with an alligator that stands taller than he does. He loves his new alligator friend, Miranda!
Check out those knees! So strong, Molly!
Because the family has grown, both in size and in age, instead of buying gifts for EVERYONE, we play a mean game of Dirty Santa. Lots of goodies (and tricks) lying under this tree.
One of my favorite Dirty Santa gifts. Dig the hat, man!