Tuesday, December 28, 2010

December Stats

6: The number of times Brooke has updated her blog since I last updated mine.

872: The number of miles my Uncle Creyton and his posse drove to celebrate Christmas with their Oklahoma families. That’s 1,744 miles round-trip.

1: The number of hours I actually spent with Creyton and family after all that driving.

4: The number of family Christmases in which we partook.

5: The number of days Henry was on steroids (i.e. pure adrenaline) for his inflamed lungs.

2:22 AM: What the clock read as Sam and I checked out of the Stillwater emergency room on Wednesday night…not exactly how I pictured kicking off my four day weekend.

4: The number of days Sam was on steroids for his inflamed vocal cords (otherwise known as “croup”).

10: The number of feet Cousin Ricky grew since the last time we saw him.

3: The number of new foods Sam has tried since turning six months old – rice cereal (yum, yum), pears and apples. Not to brag, but I steamed and pureed the pears and apples myself.

5: The number of days we are currently without a sitter and/or nanny until the girls return for the spring semester.

5: The number of vacation days I will be taking during Christmas break.

2: The number of adorable sons I've been blessed with...and the number of equally adorable Christmas break pictures below.

(Waiting for Santa...)

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