Friday, December 31, 2010

Vote for Sam!

One of Sam's 3-month photos was chosen by Miller Party of Five as a Top 20 for 2010! Please visit Carissa's blog and leave your comment/vote for photo #18. The photo receiving the most votes wins a FREE PHOTO SESSION. And all of you familiar with the cost of diapers can appreciate how desperately we'd like our Sam to win. Not to mention how talented Carissa is and how much we LOVE her pictures.

Thanks for your vote!

Christmas Shenanigan's Part 3: The Ward's

Fearless Freddie!

Where Henry spent the rest of his time at Papa and Grandma Ward's

Even Sam joined in the Thomas fun

All pooped out...and yes, his hair is drenched with sweat...the only way Henry knows how to play is HARD

Such a flirt

Grandma's sink is just the right size for a Sam bath

Christmas Shenanigans Part 2: The Shaw’s

It's a bird, it's a's SAM

Sam's flying partner, also known as Uncle Garland

As I mentioned in a previous post, Henry was on steroids for five days straight and ran around like a crazy man from sunrise to sunset. This was our best attempt to get Henry to sit still long enough to take a photo of him and Ricky.

The Shaw brothers

Waiting for Santa

Sam loves his daddy

Christmas Shenanigans Part 1: Great Grandmother Shirley’s

A Guatemalan and two blonde's

The only family member with more cracks and creases than Sam

Dying to go outside

Smooches to Madison

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to me...I'm six months old today! (Or was...Mommy is playing blog catch-up...we've caught up to December 16...stay tuned for more December fun...)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Chow Time

Bohlin wasn’t the only new friend Sam made in December. He also became well acquainted with RICE CEREAL. You’d have thought I sprinkled it with cinnamon and sugar!

He's a boy who knows what he wants..."Give me that spoon!"

Giddy Up

Sam has a new friend to wrangle steer with. His name is Bohlin. Sam and Bohlin actually showed up on their first meeting wearing the same cowboy T-shirt, but of course, Sam drools buckets of slobber every few minutes and was on his second shirt by the time I got around to taking pictures. Aren’t they a handsome pair? Just two months apart…and although Bohlin is slightly older and has more hair, Sam won the prize for the biggest head and largest cheeks.

Bohlin – Come play again soon, okay?! And be sure to bring your mom and my mom and Henry have friends to play with too!

Brotherly Love

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

December Stats

6: The number of times Brooke has updated her blog since I last updated mine.

872: The number of miles my Uncle Creyton and his posse drove to celebrate Christmas with their Oklahoma families. That’s 1,744 miles round-trip.

1: The number of hours I actually spent with Creyton and family after all that driving.

4: The number of family Christmases in which we partook.

5: The number of days Henry was on steroids (i.e. pure adrenaline) for his inflamed lungs.

2:22 AM: What the clock read as Sam and I checked out of the Stillwater emergency room on Wednesday night…not exactly how I pictured kicking off my four day weekend.

4: The number of days Sam was on steroids for his inflamed vocal cords (otherwise known as “croup”).

10: The number of feet Cousin Ricky grew since the last time we saw him.

3: The number of new foods Sam has tried since turning six months old – rice cereal (yum, yum), pears and apples. Not to brag, but I steamed and pureed the pears and apples myself.

5: The number of days we are currently without a sitter and/or nanny until the girls return for the spring semester.

5: The number of vacation days I will be taking during Christmas break.

2: The number of adorable sons I've been blessed with...and the number of equally adorable Christmas break pictures below.

(Waiting for Santa...)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day Two in San Fran

Tonight the ADRP dinner round led me to Scoma's at Fisherman's Wharf. It was wonderful. The food, the wine, the company...all were outstanding. And another first for me - I rode a cable car back to the hotel.

Goodnight boys...I love you. And miss you like a fat kid misses chocolate cake! (Miss Ashley - we must catch up again soon.)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Dinner with 12 strangers

I'm writing this post from my ultra modern, very hip hotel room in downtown San Francisco. Not took five minutes tugging and pulling on the overhead shade until I finally discovered that it was actually plugged into the wall. This was my first time to lower a shade by the push of a button. Two of which are on either side of the king size bed I have entirely to myself...and void of any five month old baby alarm at 3:00 AM. But while I'm enjoying catching up on extra sleep, I do miss my boys...all three of them. Wade is earning his "Father of the Year" award this week and wrangling both Henry and Sam solo in Stillwater, while I'm enjoying four back-to-back nights of uninterrupted sleep.

So, not only is this trip (1) my first time to be away from Sam, but it's
(2) the longest I've been away from Henry,
(3) the longest I've been apart from Wade since we married,
(4) the first experience I've had with electronic window shades,
(5) my first time to visit San Francisco,
(6) my first ADRP international conference...that's Association of Donor Relations Professionals for those of you reading that aren't work colleagues..., but I also took
(7) my first limo ride tonight. Make that STRETCH limo...complete with six empty champagne glasses and 12 strangers from across the globe.

ADRP, knowing that many of their conference participants were here alone, organized dinner parties at a number of exquisite restaurants in the downtown SF area. I signed up for the Italian restaurant, Michelangelo's, tonight, and a seafood place for tomorrow. After meeting the rest of my party in the hotel lobby, being the good stewards that we are, the group opted to take a limo to the restaurant in lieu of a cab. For a mere $10 per person, the limo would take us to Michelangelo's and back. Never mind that I was sitting on the laps of perfect strangers during our route!

And the evening just gets more interesting...

During dinner I was surrounded by a Canadian, someone from Alaska, Hawaii, Washington D.C., Connecticut, southern California, and Italy. Then, much like complimentary sopapillas served at Mexican restaurants, we received complimentary GUMMY BEARS after our meal. No, that was not a typo...GUMMY BEARS were actually served with amaretto cookies following our entree. Henry would have LOVED this! Although the gummy bears were quite bizarre, the restaurant owner and chef explained that the sugared bears are what have made the quaint Italian restaurant so famous. Would you believe that he actually receives phone calls from the east coast from people asking, "Are you the restaurant with the gummy bears?" The lesson I learned from tonight's dining experience - if you have 10 or more in your party, it's easier and cheaper to take a limo, and if I ever decide to open a restaurant, I need to serve complimentary tootsie rolls following the meal.

Sadly, there will be no pictures of my experiences in SF because silly me forgot my camera. Wade - this means you should be taking pictures of the boys for me while I'm away. :)

Until next time...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Botanical Heaven

The weekend prior to Thanksgiving, the Shaw family spent some time with the McCoy's at OSU's botanical gardens. Candice, who was Henry's nanny his first year of life, captured some great family memories. Thank you, Candice!

Candice is dabbling in photography and claims to be "just practicing", but if you ask me, these look like they were taken by a pro! Among her picture taking talents, Candice is also an exquisite health food connoisseur, English/grammar extraordinar, and like her husband, is a creative genius...she actually hand-made their Christmas cards last year! My head hurts just thinking about it...seriously, I recently spent two hours making a greeting card for one of Henry's school projects. Yes, homework has already started...only this particular assignment was for parents. I had to make a bird out of Henry's hand prints, buttons and scrap paper, and then glue the bird to a greeting card. It was for a fund raiser for the school...poor Henry, no one is going to buy the ugly card that I made. Good thing he's too young to know how embarrassed he should be! I should have called Candice. Now THAT would have been a card!