Thursday, January 24, 2008

A Game of Tag

Today Buster gave me the scare of my life. Today was a big appointment for us - it was time for the gestational diabetes and anemia test. To prep for the test, I was instructed to eat a hearty protein-packed breakfast and to drink 10 ounces of orange goo (i.e. glucose). Once I choked down the goo, the challenge quickly became keeping it down. An hour later I was off to the doctor's office to have my blood drawn. After lab work was over I waited patiently to see the doctor and find out how Buster was progressing. When the doctor finally came in (a five minute wait feels like an hour) and put the monitor on my tummy to listen to Buster's heart, we heard nothing. Trying not to panic, the doctor rapidly moved the monitor from side to side searching for something, anything...still nothing. Then, finally, a kick. He was playing tag! Apparently he liked the glucose so much that he was running from the monitor. Shelia (my doctor) finally had to press down on my stomach and actually hold him in place long enough to listen to his little heart. And when we finally heard and recorded it, it was perfect. 154...or was it 156 bmp. He's averaging between 150 - 160 on each visit. My belly measured 26 (it's supposed to be equivalent to the number of weeks you are into your pregnancy), which is good. I'm 27 weeks and one day. Tomorrow we will get our blood results back, and assuming all is well, will see the doctor for our last four week appointment on February 20. After February 20th, we will begin seeing Shelia every two weeks.

1 comment:

Brooke and Peter said...

that is awesome michal!!!! love hearing how the little dude is doing... that would have completely freaked me out too! sounds like he might be a hyper child????