Saturday, May 30, 2015

Branding Success

In November, we endured the freezing temperatures with our fellow Cowboy alumni to celebrate surpassing the State's first $1B campaign goal. I'm not sure what I'll remember more - the cold air or the fireworks.

Sam loved every minute. Henry was supposed to be with us, but he decided to stay home with Aunt Ann and Molly instead of braving the cold.

Thank goodness for popcorn. It kept him busy the entire first quarter.


Go Pokes!

He makes my heart so happy.

"What was that guy thinking?! Block your man!"

Sam got creative with his hand warmers. I guess his cheeks needed them more.

Apparently, even his eyes were cold.

Friday, May 22, 2015

A Fall Walk in the Garden

American Sycamore

Taken November 8, 2014