Thursday, November 13, 2014

OSU Homecoming: The Experience, Part I

On the eve of WalkAround we took a family stroll through campus to check out the Homecoming signs and ORANGE fountain. I think I enjoy Thursday night as much as I do Friday. The crowd hasn't quite made it to University or Library Lawn, the boys have room to run WILD and FREE, and the line at Fuzzy's is still inside the door. And that's exactly how we spent our evening - dinner (and a margarita for mom) at Fuzzy's and a walk through campus. You can tell from the smiles on their faces that the evening was absolute bliss.




To get them both looking at the camera at the same time would be a miracle.

The boys fired their pistols all evening long...

These pictures do my heart so much good.

A PUPPY! If Sam wasn't allergic to dogs, there's no doubt we'd have a dozen (if it were up to him).

Go Pokes!

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