Saturday, June 2, 2012

Paula Jane and two minature tuxedos

My little cousin, Paula Jane, married the love of her life last night. And she was brave (and maybe part crazy) enough to involve two four-year-olds in the ceremony! It was Henry's first time as a ring bearer...and he pulled through. We did everything we could think of to ensure he would put one foot in front of the other on Paula's big day. We even succumbed to bribery. For one week Henry had a new green Pterodactyl sitting on top of the mantle. He star gazed at the flying dinosaur all week. Mr. Pterodactyl would fly to infinity and beyond with Henry...all he had to do was walk down that aisle.

Well, not only did Henry walk down the aisle, but he looked mighty handsome doing it.

The beautiful bride

Hilarie and Jamin, the bride's brother and sister in-law.

It was so great seeing Lauren, who flew in from Florida for her sister's big day. It was also the first time we've seen Lauren since she announced she's expecting her first bambino!

I LOVE that Cousin Lauren's husband is a veterinarian, who whisked her away to the horse clinic to perform their baby's first ultrasound. I mean, why wait until you're 18+ weeks for your first ultrasound when you've got a horse sonogram at your disposal?

Yes, I admit it. I sometimes use the iPhone to entertain my children.

When she wasn't looking...the baby bump at 17 weeks. Precious.

Steven, Paula's handsome groom, exuding patience from every pore of his body.

Henry's expression says it all. Asking him to stand in the same spot for five seconds was apparently asking for a miracle.

The proud papa's

Finally prevailing over the steam machine. Once the girls figured out how to turn it on, it worked like a charm.

You talkin' to me?

It was so sweet. Without prompting, after Paula got into her dress, Henry leaned over to me and whispered, "Mama, she's beautiful."

Paula in Grandmother Happy's pearls

Ziva, the flower girl. And Henry's new best friend.

Mom and Aunt Carol tying Grandmother's wedding ring onto the bouquet. All the granddaughters have carried it. I remember well the blue ribbon that held it to my bouquet.

Sam, also looking very dapper. Lucky for us Sam is the same age now that Henry was when Ann got married two years ago. And the tux fit perfectly. Sam hated the shoes and fought to get them off as soon as I put them on him. Again, and again, and again. He finally won the battle and enjoyed the rest of the evening shoeless.

Doesn't Sam look happy? Ha.

Trying to keep two brothers from wrestling = IMPOSSIBLE.

At least he's a happy little wrestler.

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