Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Rip Roaring Dinosauring Good Time!

Our friend, Andrew, had a birthday in April too. And he celebrated Dino style. I was so impressed (and inspired...that's right, Wade...blame Kristin for the moose shenanigans) with Kristin's clever dinosaur games. It's no wonder she's a teacher, and why I have a desk job.

When Henry first got to the party he was tasked with finding hidden dinosaurs in a tub of beans. Fun! He wasn't bashful at all and dug right in.

And because it's all about the presents at this age, the gifts were next.

Aunt Cara

Four birthday candles

Kristin is such a brave soul. After cupcakes, which the boys had the option of decorating themselves, it was on to the larger dinosaurs buried in a tub full of shaving cream. Yes, shaving cream. In her living room! I told you she was brave.

And last, but certainly not least, they busted out the GIANT dinosaur eggs (balloons with LED lights). Their faces say it all.

Your mom throws one heck of a party, Andrew!

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