Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Camping 101

While Wade was giving the boys their bath this evening, I was secretly pitching their tent(s) in the living room. If only you could have heard Sam scream when he saw it...naked and dripping wet. It was all we could do to dry him off before he slid down the stairs.

Daddy was able to slip a bib over his head...Sam is teething and has been a drooling maniac.

And then there were two.


So proud of himself for crawling through the tent tunnel.

Brother's turn.

Here I come!

Silly Sam's new tooth (third/small one on the bottom)!

Here he comes again!

Papa Bo - If you hadn't guessed from the photos, the boys LOVE their tent. Thank you, thank you, thank you! And Wade and I much prefer it to the drum set!

1 comment:

Brooke and Peter said...

gosh those boys are cute! i LOVE that they are learning to camp!!! you will teach those boys right!