Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Breakfast with Mickey

Last year, or maybe it was two years ago, Aunt Carolina gave us Mickey Mouse dishes for Christmas. Henry was elated when he was surprised with a cereal bar and Flintstones vitamin on a Mickey dish. Too bad I don't get this same reaction from Wade when I serve him a cereal bar.

Henry is such a good brother. He is mindful to point out Mickey to Mickey's #1 fan (Sam) every time he sees him.

This makes Sam very happy


Yes! Milk in a Mickey tea cup!

He wasn't sure whether he wanted to drink it, or play with it. This seems to be the case with Henry's food most of the time nowadays.

Punching holes in his cereal bar. I mean, why eat your food when it's this much fun to play with?!

And just for grins...Henry with a tummy full of turkey...apparently this is the only photo I managed to snap during our Thanksgiving trip to Pampa and Dumas, TX.

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