Sunday, May 15, 2011

"I'm Treee!"

Now that I have my old camera back in hand, I can finally share pictures of Henry's third birthday party. This party was much smaller compared to years past. Just grandparents, one aunt and uncle, and his pal William (and Will's parents - our pals).

For his birthday, Henry wanted a Thomas cake. And his Thomas cake was all we heard about the week prior to the big day. He could hardly wait for his Thomas cake! Thanks goodness for Chrissy, who came to the rescue yet again. Chrissy did a smashing job. The only direction I gave her was that it had to be Thomas. Other than that, she had complete freedom. And she created a masterpiece.

The birthday boy and his buddy, William

How can this truly be my son? He would rather eat ham than chocolate cake! He certainly didn't get that from his mom!

Perhaps he was just struggling with the idea of "eating" Thomas???

The granddaddy present was saved until the end. Dad and Uncle Omar carried it into the living room and you should have seen the size of Henry's eyes when he saw it! Good thing William was there. He knew exactly what to do and immediately began teaching Henry the ABC's of driving:

A - Always, ALWAYS lay your foot on the gas...even when heading directly for a tree
B - Brake for no one
C - Crashing is FUN

Henry wasn't quite feeling the love in this picture

Lessons from Omar

Yes, daddy...I'll be careful

It was too cute. Every time William was driving, he had to stop to "get gas"

Their version of reverse


Brooke and Peter said...

wow... Henry is three???? It can't be! (that rhymes) and LOVE the cake... really amazing.

Carissa said...

Happy Birthday Henry! I agree with Brooke...can't believe he's three!

Carissa said...

Happy Birthday Henry! I agree with Brooke...can't believe he's three!