Sunday, February 27, 2011

I Rock Levi's!

G.G. Shirley and Phil gave Sam these handsome Levi diapers, which he sported with pride this week. Enjoy!

Check out that tush!

Unlike Henry, who didn't have hair until he was almost two, Sam's locks are growing longer by the day...he even enjoys it when I comb his hair after his bath. Sam just smiles and coos while I sweet.

96, 97, 98, 99...100. Whew! It takes a lot of work to keep this figure!

Thanks again G.G. Shirley and Phil for the mighty fine diapers! And thanks to all of our family and friends for your prayers for Shirley this week. Open-heart surgery was Friday morning and she is doing remarkably well.


bethany said...

Love 'em! He is getting so big!!!

Carissa said...

Good gracious, he's so freakin cute. And CHUNKY. Just the way I like my babies! :)

Cindy said...

I just want to reach through the screen and squish that adorable little boy!! He has my two favorite traits in a baby: chunky and bright blue eyes.